What a wonderful weekend we’ve at Hungerford Arcade with people coming in from near and far, both UK and Worldwide.  Everyone has such an enjoyable time when they visit and many stay in touch with us and subscribe to our Newsletter!  


Many overseas customers return to the Arcade year after year.  They love the relaxed atmosphere and the friendly and helpful people, always willing to go that extra mile for each individual customer!  


Everyone loves and admires the Arcade and how it has been beautifully and sympathetically laid out in keeping with such a historic building!  The unsung heroes of Hungerford Arcade are its owners, Adrian Gilmour and Hazel Browne.  They had been at the Arcade for many, many years when they heard that the building was going to be sold to developers and made into apartments!  

Adrian and Hazel were so shocked by this, they decided that they had to buy the building to preserve it as an Antiques centre.  They continue to work tirelessly for the good of the Arcade and its one hundred plus stallholders which is why, when it was announced in April by BBC’s Homes & Antiques Magazine that Hungerford Arcade has been voted the Best Antiques Centre in the UK, we were all very proud.  

Adrian and Hazel went to Bristol for the Award ceremony and had the Award presented to them by Kirsty Allsop.  It was a very moving experience for them!  All the times Adrian had worked alone  twenty four hours a day inside the building setting out the little shops and the architecture around each unit, doing all the carpentry, painting, carpet laying and much, much, more, was and will continue to be loved and appreciated by all our customers.  This is what makes Hungerford Arcade very special!   Adrian and Hazel are very dedicated to their stallholders and the building, which is why there is such a friendly, happy, relaxed atmosphere which doesn’t go unnoticed!

