The wow factor suddenly appeared right next to Adrian and I outside Hungerford Arcade on Sunday in the form of Mr. Darcy and the beautiful Elizabeth Bennet.  Dressed beautifully in period costume and looking every inch the Jane Austen characters they portrayed from Pride and Prejudice – this couple was superb. Introducing themselves as Lon Ficke and Joyce Evans from San Diego, California, USA. Joyce said that they had come over to England from the States for the Jane Austen Festival in Bath, celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first publication of Pride and Prejudice.  They said it was amazing.  The Festival finished the day before and they were making their way back to London but they could not leave without visiting Hungerford Arcade after seeing it on television. They were not disappointed and loved every square inch of it and stayed for the rest of the afternoon.  Lon needed a break and decided that he would go to the pub across the road (The Plume of  Feathers) and come back later.  Well, when Lon came back, he was greeted by Joyce smiling and pointing to a box on the counter and bags in her hand.  Lon had to go and fetch the car from the local car park and pull-up outside the Arcade to load up.    

You will see from the photographs what a gorgeous couple they are and what luck it was to have the classic cars here on that day.  Joyce said they would love to come back next year and we sincerely hope that they do.

Lon & Joyce with Betty (the car!)

Joyce & Lon 

Joyce & Lon
outside Hungerford Arcade

Lon, Joyce & Rita

Lon, Joyce & Adrian

