Hungerford Arcade stallholder, James Hill, has worked for 19 years on a Trout Farm which he loves. The storms and flooding were of great concern to James and of course, he was very worried.  We found a poem written in 1932. Although there is no name attached to it, it does appear to have been written by a child.  

Very Lovely
Wouldn’t it be lovely if the rain came down 
 Till the water was quite high over all the town?
 If the cabs and buses all were set afloat,
And we had to go to school in a little boat?
Wouldn’t it be lovely if it still should pour
And we all went to live on the second floor?
If we saw the butcher sailing up the hill, 
And we took the letters in at the window sill? 
It’s been raining raining, all the afternoon;
All these things might happen really very soon.
If we woke to-morrow and found they had begun,
Wouldn’t it be glorious? Wouldn’t it be fun?
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