Adrian really looks the part!

What a wonderful day we had on Hot Forge Day at Hungerford Arcade. Although there was rain, sleet and hail, it didn’t dampen the spirit of people wanting to come and see how a real blacksmith works and even having a go themselves. Hungerford Arcade Co-owner, Adrian Gilmour was in his element.  He grew up with Shire horse and can put his hand to anything.  A natural!

Dave, Sarah & Jobey

One young man, Jobey Parsons and his mother, Sarah, came all the way from Mere in Wiltshire especially to meet Dave and have a go on the forge.  At 12 years of age, Jobey said for the past 

two years, he has wanted to be a blacksmith.  To his delight, he got lots of  advice and information from Dave. You can see from the photograph below how engrossed Jobey is as he is guided through the process of making a piece of art.  He was thrilled to bits and is now more determined than ever that he will be a blacksmith. Well done Jobey…… and Adrian!

Jobey getting a lesson from Dave

Jobey with proud mum, Sarah          

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