Hungerford Arcade Jo May and the Spoon for Dotty Day

What a great day it was on Saturday at Hungerford Arcade.  The door burst open and in came this bright, bubbly, fun lady, professional percussionist, Jo May.  Jo came to the Arcade to play the spoons and do workshops for all those wanting to take part.  After setting herself up, there was no shortage of people wanting to have a go and even do a duet with Jo.  First up was Arcade manager, Alex Rogers, closely followed by stallholder, Ian Spuffard.  Ian, Jo and another gentleman wore top hats which all added to the fun. Next up was stallholder, Ann Parker and I must say, they were all very good.  Jo played the spoons almost non-stop from when she arrived just before 1.00 pm to 6.00 pm. 

The story behind this event is, in Jo’s words, ” I’ll be doing a spoon-playing fundraiser throughout February 2015 for Dorothy House Hospice in support of my sister Karen who was diagnosed with secondary cancer two years ago”.  Hence the name, ‘Spoon for Dotty’.  The customers and the staff thoroughly enjoyed the whole afternoon and Jo collected over £130 towards her goal of reaching £1000 by the end of February.

You can follow Jo on the following links

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