Hungerford Arcade Fly A Flag For The Commonwealth

What a wonderful atmosphere there was at Hungerford Arcade today and indeed the Town itself because today was Fly A Flag For The Commonwealth Day which will be celebrated by all 53 Commonwealth Nations around the world.  The Commonwealth of Nations was founded on 11th December 1931 and is one of the oldest political association of states in the world; its roots dating back to the days of the British Empire.

Julian Tubb, Bellman & Town Crier
Town Constable, Susan Hofgartner
Hungerford Mayor, Dennis Benneyworth
Elizabeth Fairthful-Davies, Commanding Officer
6th Battalion R.E.M.E
Children from Hungerford Primary School

Everyone gathered outside the Town Hall. Julian Tubb, Bellman and Town Crier brought everyone to order for speeches from the Mayor of Hungerford, Dennis Benneyworth who also read out a message from Her Majesty the Queen. The Deputy Mayor, Roger Thompson, read a message from the Commonwealth 
Secretary General.  Also in attendance, wearing her chain of office, was the Constable of Hungerford, Susan Hofgartner. Claire Barnes, the Town Clerk who organised this important event said they are very proud to have present, Elizabeth Faithful-Davies, Commanding Officer of 6th Battalion R.E.M.E.

Sandie Crouter and Sam Newton, Cornet players in the Hungerford Town Band, played as the Commonwealth Flag was raised. The boys and girls of Hungerford Primary School joined in to sing the National Anthem. After the ceremony, everyone was invited into the Town Hall for a buffet and refreshments which, I must say, went down well with the children.

Hungerford Mayor and Stallholder at Hungerford Arcade,
Dennis Benneyworth
with Arcade co-owner, Adrian Gilmour
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