Hungerford Arcade: A Pirate Ship For Hannah

The ship in all it’s glory!
When seven-year-old Hannah Edwards came into the Arcade with Dad, Scott and family friend Martyn to browse and look for something to get for Martyn’s girlfriend, she had no idea she would be leaving with a fantastic new model ship! 

 She was minding her own business, rummaging through one of the most popular features of the Arcade, Don Greenslade’s infamous Pirate Treasure Box, when Arcade owner, Adrian, stopped for a chat. Adrian asked Hannah if she liked pirates and pirate ships and whether she would like one of her own. 

Hannah and Adrian
 Well, of course she wanted one and it just so happened that Don Greenslade, the owner of the Pirate Treasure Box, had one he was willing to give away!
Hannah couldn’t hide her excitement with her present and couldn’t wait to get it home and put it up on display in her room.
Thanks to Hannah for brightening up our day and thanks also to her Dad, Scott for being such a good sport. Martyn, I hope your girlfriend loved her presents!
Martyn, Hannah and Scott

1 Comment

  1. I love this story! When I was Hannah's age I was obsessed with Peter Pan and would have been delighted to have my very own pirate ship. Lucky and lovely little girl. I must delve into this treasure box upon my next visit!

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