Hungerford Arcade Mr. Peanuts

Mr Peanuts - July 2015 Mr. Peanuts with owner, Forge July 2015At Hungerford Arcade, we just love animals and every now and again, a four legged friend comes in and introduces him/herself.  Mr. Peanuts came in with his owner, Forge, and immediately wanted to make friends with everyone.  One customer totally fell in love with Mr. Peanuts (who was, of course, lapping it up).


Forge keeps biscuits in his pocket and gave a few of us one each to give to Mr. Peanuts.  You do not have to say anything to him.  Show him the treat and he will hold his leg up to shake your hand.  Then, when he has eaten the biscuit, he sits right up and waves a thank you.  He is an amazing boy and very polite.

Mr. Peanuts can come and visit us any time he likes – he can even bring Forge with him – if he would like. 


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