Hungerford Arcade is always buzzing, but today it echoed to a wondrous sound coming from Rafters Cafe`. Customers stopped and listened to this marvel and told me that there is a choir upstairs in the cafe singing beautifully as they waited for their lunch. I rushed upstairs, camera and notepad in hand and stood at the top just listening to the beautiful voices.
he Choir is the Cor Divisi from Valls, Tarragena, Spain. They told me that they had come over to England for the weekend on an exchange with the Harmony Choir in Newbury. Having spent a marvellous weekend together sharing songs, typical dances and cultures, they were told that they must go to Hungerford Arcade before they fly back home. They were not disappointed and neither were we.
Thank you Harmony Choir of Newbury for sharing this special weekend with us.
I did take a video so that you could hear for yourselves how wonderful the Cor Divisi Choir is but unfortunately, downloading it onto this blog has proved rather difficult. When I get it sorted out, I will post it.