Jane and Trevor Elliman have been stallholders at Hungerford Arcade for many years. We all know what a fantastic artist Jane is and you can discover her paintings for yourself by clicking on the links below. The painting on this page is of Jess Elliman, their much loved daughter.
Jess – soft pencil crayon on paper
Jane has lived in the same location in the very northern tip of Hampshire all her life. Born to an artistic and creative family she was surrounded by two and three-dimensional craftspeople from an early age who were a massive inspiration to her. Much to her delight she went straight to Art College after leaving school.
She finds her biggest inspiration is in the natural beauty of the changing seasons in the countryside that surround her and enjoys creating exciting paintings in bright colours using either acrylic or oil. “I love the amazing sunsets and cloud formations that seem to be a daily part of my life on the remote down land of north Hampshire and these are the things I try to capture in my paintings.”
She has recently returned to working in a more detailed manner and is enjoying pencil, coloured crayons and watercolour mediums.
Website – www.spanglefish.com/ellimanenterprises/janespaintings
Willis Farm, Vernham Dean, Andover, Hants, SP11 0LL
Tel: 01264 731202
Email: janeelliman@outlook.com