(L-R) David Borrett and Arcade Co-owner, Adrian Gilmour
Hungerford Arcade customers and readers really enjoy a good news story. Well here is one that will hopefully turn out to be very profitable.
David Borrett who manages the Cirencester Antiques Market, told us about a mystery buyer who saw quite an ordinary looking teapot that was for sale for £25 at the fair. After haggling with the stallholder, he managed to purchase it for £15.
The purchaser saw that there was something quite special about this teapot so took it to his local auction who agreed with him.
Unfortunately, I do not have a photograph of the teapot but will let you know when it comes under the hammer and the price it makes at auction.
David Borrett, Cirencester Antiques Market is every Friday between 6.00 am to 3.00 pm. af the Circencester Corn Hall, Cirencester.