Hungerford Arcade Swindon and Cricklade Railway

Hungerford Arcade is a great place to come to find links to local history.  Some of the most interesting things seem to have originated just around the corner from us and somehow they seem to find their way home again.  This very thing happened today when we met Anne and Dave Herbert from the Swindon and Cricklade Railway.  Dave found this fantastic cast iron sign in the shop and thought it would be a great idea to take it back to where it belongs. It will be mounted somewhere along the railway, most likely near a station, for visitors to look at.  

The Swindon and Cricklade Railway is a heritage railway rather than a commercial public transport link.  They run steam and dielel locomotives along a private 5 mile long track between Swindon in the south and Cricklade in the north.  They are always looking for things to make the experience more authentic and hoping to extend the railway both north and south as soon as they can.


Dave is a consultant for the railway museum and whenever he finds something relevant he tries to source it for them.  He also has a personal collection of 744 items of railway memorabilia! 744!  Anne is the manager of the Whistle Stop Cafe at Blunsden Station at the southerly end of the railway.


There is so much history to discover without having to travel far away from Hungerford.  The Swindon and Cricklade Railway is well worth a visit if you are even mildly interested in steam and early diesel locomotion. Dave told me that the sign would be being put up at the railway within a couple of weeks so keep your eyes open for it!
