Hungerford Arcade has 3 managers all working different shifts during the month. There is myself Rita Kibble, Wendy Spare and Richard Brockwell. We have all been working hard during lockdown to get the Arcade ready for our grand reopening on

Richard doing a fabulous job painting the interior of Hungerford Arcade
Wednesday, 2nd December 2020. Our stallholders have been preparing their units for Christmas with fresh stock and all looking really beautiful.
Richard decided he would decorate the interior of the Arcade and has been doing a fantastic job! Below, you will see the work that he has done and will complete the rest tomorrow. I cannot believe how clean he is. There is not a trace of paint on anything other than what he was painting. Not on the carpets, other painted surfaces or the glass. I have never seen anything like it.
I remember during the last lockdown, someone decided they would paint the office door. Well, to say we was all shocked would be an understatement. a large area of the new carpet tiles was covered in black paint, he was covered, along with everything else. Needless to say, he has been banned from painting at the Arcade for life!!! To top it all, he even had newspaper on the floor where he left the used paint brush. Oh how we laughed. It still brings a smile to my face every time I think of it.
However, back to Richard. There are some amazing photographs below of the inside of the Arcade showing where Richard has done his handiwork. Our Christmas tree and decorations will be going up on Monday to complete the scene.