Hungerford Arcade More Classic Cars

As promised, we have more of the Hungerford Arcade Classic Car Show photos and stories for you.  I hope you enjoy them.

Clive Warner arrived in his gleaming XJS Celebration Edition with its diamond polished wheels.  A real head turner.  

XJS owner, Clive sitting in his chair on the left
Roger Pigden and his wife, Karina brought along their treasured 1968 Renault 4.  Roger, who is on the committee of the West Berkshire Classic Vehicle Club, restored the car himself and it is pristine.  Roger and Karina have been all over Europe camping with the Renault 4 and have lots of tales to tell.

This beautiful 1972 Triumph 2000 is owned by Edwin Bootyman

Edwin and Angie Bootyman
Watch this space for more classic cars

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