Hungerford Arcade Mary Hare School for the Deaf

Hungerford Arcade is one of many businesses as well as individual donors raising money for the Mary Hare Foundation.  They urgently need to replace the building that houses the swimming pool at the Mary Hare School for the Deaf and we are very proud to be able to help.  The young students at the school hold a lot of fundraising events to raise much needed funds and they need all the help they can get. If you feel you can help in any way, please get in touch with them – their contact details are below.  Thank you.

                         Sink or Swim

The pool at Mary Hare School was built over 30 years ago.  Whilst the pool itself is still in good order, we need to re-build the cover and changing rooms. 

It’s a really important facility at the school for the 230 deaf young people who attend.  It also serves the needs of 8 local community groups for swimming lessons, scuba, canoeing and other activities.
If we don’t carry out the necessary renovations in the next few years, we may have to close the pool. 

So please help us keep it open.

Contact us

01635 244 200
