Hungerford Arcade Carol Singing

LtoR: Adrian Gilmour, Choir leader Alan Bartter 
and wife Jennifer, James Hill, Ann Parker, 
Rose Newbury and her
business partner

There is a real Christmas atmosphere here at Hungerford Arcade.  Co-owner, Adrian Gilmour, staff and stallholders gathered inside the Arcade at 2.30 for our annual Christmas Carol event, raising money for charity. We started by singing in the big square then moved down to the Christmas tree at the front by the counter.  We all sang Christmas Carols, lead by stallholder, Alan Bartter. Customers stopped to listen and gave generously to our sponsored charity, Walking With The Wounded for which we are extremely grateful.  Thank you very much. 

We will be having another Christmas Carol event next Sunday, 21st December at 2.30.   If you would like to come along and listen or even join in, please do, it would be lovely to see you.

Lovely stallholder, Ann Parker
In a Festive mood

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