Hungerford Arcade Classic Car Show (Part I)

Hungerford Arcade says a big thank you to Colleen and Mike Kent for organising the West Berkshire Classic Vehicle Club car show outside the Arcade on Sunday and to the WBCVC Members for bringing along their superb vehicles. The weather was perfect, the cars were perfect and everyone had a wonderful day as you can see from the pictures.  I hope you enjoy looking at these lovely vehicles which always draw a big crowd.

Ivor Bleaney relaxing in his
1937 Rolls Royce

Half of the Rolls Royce Engine


Original Post Office Van
owned by Kevin Saville

Lovely Colleen Kent

Ken Pickford proud owner of
this 1976 Humber Estate which he found
neglected and in pieces.  What a fabulous
job you did Ken – its stunning

Look out for Part II – coming soon.

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