Hungerford Arcade Pye of Clitheroe

We had a very interesting lady, Catherine, who regularly visits Hungerford Arcade when she and husband, Barrie come down for a holiday.  She told me about her late Grandfather, Edward Pye of Clitheroe and the fantastic history of this wonderful place.  I do not have the photographs to which she refers so the best thing I can do is let Catherine brief you, but you must go to the website where you will be taken back in time with old photographs and more.  This is one of the best local history sites I have even seen so please, take a look.

My husband Barrie and myself,  visit the Hungerford Arcade 3 or 4 times
a year, when on holiday nearby.  We love to see all the different stalls, set out with very interesting, 
unusual and very often splendid antiques.
In October last year we were rummaging amongst the old postcards and came across 2 of great interest to us.  One was of Brungerley Bridge,  Clitheroe,  probably taken about 1920. 

We live in Clitheroe and cross this bridge several times a week. The second postcard

was of Waddow Hall Girl Guide Camp site……then in the North Riding (Yorkshire), but now in
Lancashire. The most amazing thing about this picture, was that it was taken by my late
Grandfather, Edward Pye of Clitheroe……the name being marked on the front of the card.
When I was a young girl, I used to go to Brownie camp at Waddow Hall…….it was just down
the road from where I lived.  Guides and Brownies from all over the World still come to Waddow Hall.
When I mentioned my postcard find, to the gentleman on the counter at the Arcade,  he suggested
I write an article for the Newsletter about  Pye’s of Clitheroe.
Look at those prices!

The easiest way for me to do this is ……………… nephew,  Michael Pye  (Great Grandson of

Edward Pye who took the pictures) , has put together an amazing web-site, complete with some
moving pictures,  of Pye’s of Clitheroe and how our family business started and  of “Old Clitheroe”.
I am sure yourselves and your readers of the Hungerford Arcade Newsletter will find this web-site
truly adictive as it is very extensive and extremely interesting.
If you put  Old Clitheroe or  Pyes of Clitheroe  into  Google…..the web-site will come up right away.
Hope this will be of interest to you all.

Looking forward to our next visit which will be in June and following that… August this year.
Yours sincerely,
Catherine Lancaster…….(Pye)

Parade in the old Market Square

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