Search Results for – "wedding day"


Everyone at Hungerford Arcade sends their warmest congratulations to Poppy Grout and Harvey Dixon, who are getting married next Saturday, 8th June.


Poppy and Harvey with Brenda from Unit 4

Poppy and Harvey paid many visits to the Arcade over several months searching for the perfect wedding rings.  With the dedicated help of Brenda from the Blue Room, they eventually settled on two, one of which needed resizing.  After an anxious wait, both were ready last week.  They were delighted when Brenda surprised them with a bottle of champagne when they came to collect them.


They were in again yesterday buying herb labels for their table centrepieces so all is now ready for the big day!


We wish them health, wealth and happiness always and look forward to seeing the photos in due course!



Hungerford Arcade Blog Wedding MinisHungerford Arcade is always looking for unusual events going on in the town and today a wonderful event happened at the Town Hall (just a few yards down the road from the Arcade).


The beautiful bride and handsome groom decided their wedding cars would be different to the norm.  Instead of limousines, this couple decided to have Minis and contacted a group of enthusiasts.  Steve, Gareth, Ed, Dave and Dan who agreed to bring their beautiful minis and use them as wedding cars.


Hungerford Arcade Blog Wedding Minis Sept 2021The bride and groom were beaming when they left the Town Hall.  You can see these fabulous minis in all their glory below.






Hungerford Arcade Blog Wedding Minis Sept 2021Hungerford Arcade Blog Wedding Minis Sept 2021











Hungerford Arcade Blog Wedding Minis Sept 2021



Hungerford Arcade were thrilled to welcome Ruth and Robert Bennie from Didcot on their Silver Wedding Anniversary.  The couple, who married on 22 July 1995, were looking for an anniversary present from Robert’s Dad, who is shielding and unfortunately could not be with them on the day.  We will give him a big welcome when he is next able to come in!



Ruth and Robert chose this wonderful silver photo frame, hallmarked Birmingham 1911, and Ruth has very kindly sent us a photo of their wedding photo in the frame.



Heartiest congratulations to you both from everyone at the Arcade.  Here’s to the next twenty-five years!



You might wonder why I have chosen a random day some sixty five years ago, 

But it is not just a date, it is a date that resonates to this very day.  It was the date that our current Queen was crowned at Westminster Abbey.


In the period between 1902 and 1952, we had had three Kings whereas to date, we have only known Queen Elizabeth the Second.  Although I do not go overboard about the Royal Family, I can see that they play a vitally important role within these shores and to a great extent, abroad (more of that later).


Queen's Coronation 1953


The Queen has a calming influence wherever she goes and although we have lost our empire, she is still respected in most democratic countries around the world.  Britain’s power might have been somewhat diluted but it is still a major player which is often forgotten by many.


One only has to look how the Queen has stood above the Brexit feeding frenzy to understand how important her role still is.  In a way nothing has changed, but a great deal has changed.  The Queen is more accessible than she once was and the Royal Family have followed her lead.  Whether it be the two handsome princes or Meghan and Kate, people feel that they are part of our lives and not locked away in an ivory tower, but a short trip around the Arcade will show you that this was not always the case.


Britain in 2019 is nothing like the Britain of 1953.  First of all, there are no natural leaders anymore.  We have had none since Churchill.  I frequently see Churchill memorabilia when walking around the Arcade and can clearly remember his funeral in 1965.  It is unlikely that we will see crowns minted in honour of anybody in government, even the hardworking.


When Churchill died a nation mourned and I still have my silver crown presented to me by my school.  On the subject of medals and coins, you do not have to look far to find these items and for the most part they are incredibly cheap (I rarely pay more than a couple of quid).  The same applies to ceramics where you can quite easily purchase a mug, a cup or for that matter, a trio for less than a fiver.  Just take your choice whether it be a coronation, a jubilee or any other celebration, there are stalls in both passages that offer a great deal of choice.


What has surprised me over the years is that apart from the traditional wares how many other items are available to collect.  I have collected ashtrays, calendars, letter racks and glass plates to name but a few and please, do not get me started on pewter souvenirs.  But one date really stands out and that is the 2nd of June 1953.  Let me confirm that contrary all rumours, I was not there.  I may be able to remember the Bay of Pigs and the assassination of JFK, but I was not even a twinkle in those far off days.


Coronation 1953


My mother (who is now ninety-five), has told me that it was a typical summers day. (It was raining cats and dogs) and the newsreels of the day confirm this fact.  Apart from the weather, the Coronation was pretty similar to previous ones but there were some differences.  One of these was that this was the first Coronation to be fully televised.  Believe it or not, this decision was fiercely debated by the cabinet as Winston had been against the idea for some reason.  But the young Elizabeth put her foot down and because of this, we have a great record of the event.  The newsreels of the day also enhance the memories of the day.


Whilst the television and media coverage of the recent royal marriages has been quite fun.  The commentators seem to be more excited by who has actually shown up for the event (I have seen Posh and Becks and is that Demi Moore?) than anything else.


Although a royal marriage is nothing like a royal Coronation, the coverage has changed beyond recognition.  In preparation for this article, I have watched a few newsreels and part of the BBC coverage and it is true.  The past is another country.  There is a sense of splendour and awe which still transmits itself over sixty years.  In a way, we are more familiar with the royals these days and whilst we respect the institution, we are no longer in awe of them.


When the King visited Hungerford in 1912, the whole town dressed itself up (just check online as there are some great photographs).  Whereas, if the Queen visited our little town today then we might dress ourselves up a bit (I keep my best frock in the wardrobe just in case), but I do not think that there would be bunting everywhere and I would be surprised to see an arch, which I believe was erected in honour of King George’s visit.


I am aware that if I wrote fully about that early June day, then Tolstoy would have nothing on me.  So I have decided to list ten interesting facts about the coronation.


1.  The actual coronation was fourteen months in the planning and the first meeting of the Coronation Commission took place under the chairmanship of the Duke of Edinburgh.


2.  The total cost of the coronation was around £1.6 million (just under £40 million in today’s money).


3. Queen Mary  King George the Sixth died on the 6th of February 1952 and obviously this triggered the whole event.  But what is lesser known is that Queen Mary died on the 24th of March 1953, but stipulated in her will that her passing should not affect the planning of the Coronation.


4.  The Coronation was watched by a television audience of some twenty million people worldwide.


5.  Over two hundred microphones were positioned along the route towards Westminster Abbey with seven hundred commentators broadcasting in thirty-nine different languages (phew!).


6.  The return procession took a route that was some five miles in distance passing through Whitehall, Hyde Park, Oxford Circus and many other memorable locations.


7.  The length of the procession was over two miles long and it took around forty-five minutes to pass any given point.


8.  I am led to believe that guests at the Coronation were given the opportunity to purchase their stools with all profits going towards the cost of the Coronation.  (Imagine how much one of the stools would fetch today).


9.  In common with her father’s Coronation,  acorns from Windsor Great Park were shipped around the Commonwealth and planted in various locations. They were known as the Royal Oaks or Coronation Oaks.


10. To celebrate the event a football tournament called The Coronation Cup was held . This was won by Celtic who beat Hibernian 2-0 in the final.  In essence, this one off tournament was a competition between the best in Scotland and the best in England. Arsenal, Manchester United, Spurs and Newcastle were the English clubs invited along with both Newcastle (0-4) to Hibernian and Manchester United (1-2) to Celtic going out at the semi final stage.


I could have gone on forever but we all have a home to go to so I will let you read up about the coronation and all the fun and games that surrounded it on the internet or elsewhere.


Coronation 1953


One souvenir that was issued at the time was an Overseas Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial (Sunday Mirror) special which is part of my current collection.  It covers the period from May the 28th to June the 3rd 1953 and is in essence, the copies of the said newspapers for that period.  Most of the features obviously are about the Coronation although there is other news and of course, Garth.


In retrospect, it seems (especially for a so called socialist newspaper) somewhat over the top, but have things really changed as the Daily Mirror is just an upmarket Sun these days?


The Jubilee of 1977 was a splendid affair as was Charles and Diana’s wedding in 1981.

The weddings of William and Harry brought a lot of happiness to the country so it would be wrong of me to suggest that when the next Coronation occurs, it would not be as big as the 1953 one.  But have we really changed?


The curse of correctness inhibits the free thinking of many people and to some extent, we cannot use the language that was used only thirty years ago which in my view, was never offensive.  It seems that most of the free western world is in on a guilt trip about the empires once held and about history itself.  You cannot change history only understand it.  When I was in my twenties whilst being aware of history, I also understood it well.


At college I studied the Belgium Congo and the awful things that were perpetrated in the name of their  King.  But I was also aware that when our neighbours pulled out in the early 1960s there was a rigid infrastructure in place with schools, hospitals, railways and the like serving this tragic country.  Two of my heroes originated from this period, Pierre de Brazza and Henry Morton Stanley, but mention these to the average man/woman today and you would get a negative response.


It was not like this in 1953 as most people were very proud of their country (I would like to think that a majority of us are today) and souvenirs such as the Daily Mirror Overseas Edition would have sold in their thousands.


That is why when you walk around the Arcade there are so many 1953 souvenirs for sale.

Indeed, they outnumber the 1935-1937 and surprisingly the Charles and Diana ones by at least five to one.


Coronation 1953


Obviously, the further back you go then there is less chance that these items would have survived the ravages of time.  This said, I often see Victorian memorabilia in very good condition so to some extent this defeats my soft argument.  My mother tells me that the country in 1953 was overwhelmed with all kinds of coronation souvenirs.


One has to remember that this was the first really big occasion in the country since the cessation of hostilities in 1945.  It was time for the country to celebrate and enjoy itself once more and the plethora of memorabilia that was produced is evidence of that.  It was a televised event and although televisions were not that common everybody had a chance to be part of the big day.  I am told that individual families (with televisions) had Coronation parties and that friends and neighbours crowded into their homes to witness the event.  This is not to mention the street parties that took place (this was repeated in 1977 but seems to have died out a little since).  I have a large collection of royal souvenirs dating from 1887 onwards and it is not because I am an ardent royalist.  I just collect them.


Contrary to modern thinking, the Royal Family has an important part to play in this the most democratic of countries.  The Queen acts as a filter and always has done so and in my view, we are very lucky to have her.  Her son is exactly the same and I think that this country will be in good hands when Charles takes on the position (this said, I hope the Queen like her mum stays with us for years to come).


I was in Lyon last summer and it is one of the most relaxed and agreeable of French cities, but last weekend there was violence on the streets between the right and the left.

We are more like the French than we like to consider, the main difference is that we still have a Queen and a Royal Family and this gives our Christian democracy a rigid stability.


I often watch visitors to the Arcade purchasing royal memorabilia even though they are not collectors like me.  Whether they are coronation souvenirs dating from 1953 or just run of the mill items they mean something to a lot of people and I doubt that this is going to fade any time soon.


Before I close, I will return to my Daily Mirror coronation souvenir as there is a photograph that in the light of its history sends shivers down my spine.  It is on the front page of the Daily Mirror dated May 29th 1953. This leads with with exclusive about The Shame of Piccadilly (it appears that someone did not decorate this famous area) but tucked away, there is a small photograph which notes the following:

“And look what the the families of Rillington Place , Notting Hill Gate, London have made of their street.  These forty families collected their pennies and shillings and raised a Coronation fund of more than £114″.


The occupant of 10 Rillington Place was a John Reginald Christie who had been arrested in the March of 1953 and accused of a number of murders in the house. He was awaiting execution at the time of the Coronation.  Whether the newspaper conveniently forgot about the ghastly history of Rillington Place or, this was a none to subtle error. is open to question.


Elsewhere in these newspapers, the coverage of the horrible Twickenham towpath murders was a little sensationalised and jarred greatly with the general mood of celebration that the Daily Mirror and its sister paper were promoting.  To me, apart from the nostalgia of the occasion to read through these vintage newspapers, it is also a lesson in social history.


We have changed greatly since 1953 but in some ways we have not.  Most of us are incredibly proud of this country and our heritage.  When a royal occasion does occur (I do think that the Queen will hand over to Charles in the next few years) then we will be out in force on the streets in celebration.  There will be dissenting voices (as there were in 1953) but these will be drowned out by the masses.  The souvenir industry will go into overdrive and all the newspapers will issue special supplements with the exception of the Daily Worker, of course.


Tuesday June the 2nd 1953 seems very distant but in whatever circumstances, we will be celebrating another Coronation quite soon.  I think on that day, there will not be a royal item left in the Arcade.

Time will tell.


Happy Hunting

Stuart Miller-Osborne



Hungerford Arcade is a great place for buying china particularly dinner and tea sets so many ladies come to buy for weddings, tea parties or just for home.  Also wedding organisers come to the Arcade buying tea sets, coffee sets, candlesticks and vases.  Other popular table items are odd cups and saucers to hold candles and seating names, teapots for flowers and lots of other great ideas they have.


One such lady was Alison Farrier who bought this wonderful china for her future daughter-in-law’s Vintage G & T Hen Party.  (I love the sound of that!).


 Alison did a superb job of laying the table and the flowers are superb. Well  done Alison!


I asked Alison to send me some photographs for my blog and true to her word, sent this lovely email together with photographs.  Thank you Alison.


“Hi Rita,

I promised to send you some pictures of the afternoon vintage g&t hen do I bought all that fab crockery for so here we are loving it.


Lucy the lady in the sun glasses gets married next week at Syrencot House to my son Guy”.


Thanks for the amazing crockery all stored away for the next time !!



All the ladies looking very beautiful with Alison on the right and Lucy, wearing sunglasses, on the left. Cheers everyone and good health!


Many congratulation to Guy and Lucy on your Wedding Day from everyone at Hungerford Arcade.





I just had to share with you this lovely e-mail sent by Helen Cubitt, together with a photograph of her beautiful daughter, Aimee on her wedding day.  Hungerford Arcade is truly a ‘world’ beater! Thank you Helen for sharing your daughter’s special day with us.

All of us at Hungerford Arcade wish Aimee and her husband every happiness in their new life together.
Just five days before my daughter planned to get married and she still hadn’t found the jewellery she wanted to wear with her vintage wedding dress. This is despite searching shops in Perth, Australia where she lives and a visit to Hong Kong and then to London to see friends! Living near Hungerford I just had a feeling the Arcade would come up trumps and you did!
I’m sending you a photo of Aimee wearing a beautiful single drop diamond on a gold chain and Art Deco earings which delicately drop from a single gold stud. Thank you so much and for being so helpful with her choices. As you can see, she was a stunning and very happy bride.
Helen Cubitt”
Beautiful Bride Aimee wearing the gorgeous jewellery bought
from Hungerford Arcade

You will find more news from Hungerford Arcade in our latest Newsletter on-line at



I have been going through some of the wonderful stories that our great friend and author, Stuart Miller-Osborne has sent to us over a very long time.  I came across this fascinating article, “Charles Dickens (A Journey)” that Stuart wrote quite some time ago for one of our earlier Newsletters. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

You can read the current edition of our Newsletter by going to our website at  Just click on ‘Articles’ and you will see ‘Newsletter’.
Charles Dickens
(A Journey)
On the 9th of June 1865 in Staplehurst in Kent an anonymous bridge over the River Beult was the scene of a horrific railway accident. This was caused when rails were removed whilst maintenance was taking place. Confusion as to when a train ‘The Folkestone Boat Express’ was due (it varied with the tides), the loss of a timetable, which had been destroyed by a previous train, and the incorrect use of detonators all contributed to the disaster. On this sunny afternoon the stage was set for an accident, which apart from killing ten unfortunates also in its way changed the course of English Literature.

For on that train was one of the greatest writers of the Victorian age, Charles Dickens. He was travelling with his “companion” Ellen Ternan and her mother. They were travelling in the front first class carriage, which miraculously did not fall from the bridge. After recovering his composure he (although he was in a slightly awkward position in travelling with Miss Ternan) rendered assistance to the dying and injured before being relieved of the task. Victorian Britain always on the look out for heroes soon latched onto what had happened and Dickens became a public hero. But the damage had been done psychologically and in its way helped to contribute to Dickens’s death exactly five years later to the day on the 9th of June 1870.

He wrote of his experiences in the postscript to Our Mutual Friend 

“On Friday the Ninth of June in the present year, Mr and Mrs Boffin (in their manuscript dress of receiving Mr and Mrs Lammle at breakfast) were on the South Eastern Railway with me, in a terribly destructive accident. When I had done what I could to help others, I climbed back into my carriage—turned over a viaduct, and caught aslant upon the turn—to extricate the worthy couple. They were much soiled, but otherwise unhurt. The same happy result attended Miss Bella Wilfer on her wedding day, and Mr Riderhood inspecting Bradley Headstone’s red neckerchief as he lay asleep. I remember with devout thankfulness that I can never be much nearer parting company with my readers for ever, than I was then, until there shall be written against my life, the two words with which I have this day closed this book “ 
The event was also a catalyst for one of my favourite short stories “The Signal Man “ which is about a train crash in a tunnel (probably the Clayton Tunnel accident of 1861 but the Staplehurst experience would have sown the germ in his mind) and as a great number of people have noted deprived us all of the ending of The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

Ellen Ternan

     StaplehurstTrain       Crash
But what of Dickens two hundred years later? We are all in danger of Dickens overload with a number of television adaptations and a plethora of exhibitions and events.  Both Augustus Pugin and Robert Browning as well as Edward Lear were born in the same year but although these men’s anniversaries are being commemorated, there is nothing of the intensity of the Dickens anniversary. Why is it that the nation some one hundred and forty years after his death is still gripped by Dickens mania?
Recently for fun I visited as many charity shops, second hand booksellers and antique arcades in parts of Wiltshire, Berkshire and Somerset as I could to see if I so desired that I could purchase a book by Dickens. The results were (with a couple of exceptions) an overwhelming yes. I could have purchased a handsome set of his novels for the equivalent of the train fare between Hungerford and London and for the price of a newspaper I could have purchased an individual novel. This said finding books of poetry by Browning was not all that difficult although his poetry (by its very nature) does not transfer elsewhere. I found nothing on or by either Lear or Pugin at all. Whether we like it or not Charles Dickens is bedded in our consciousness.

      Charles Dickens

Pickwick Papers

 Dickens was born on the 7th of February 1812 just under a month before Pugin and some two months before Lear and Browning. He took his first breath of air at Landport, which is part of the city of Portsmouth. He was born into a poor family and his father was imprisoned for debt forcing Dickens to leave school and work in a factory. Unlike many of his contemporaries he had little education but in spite of this he wrote some fifteen novels and a large number of short stories and articles. It was the poverty and injustice of his early life that provided his fuel and to some extent helped to burn him out at an early age. Although radically different people the same happened to Augustus Pugin who was dead at forty. 
It was in 1836 that Dickens really became known with the publication of Pickwick Papers which was published in a serial format. As with the soaps that infest our televisions today Dickens was able to gauge his readers reactions so that he could pinpoint or modify the storyline as required. Unlike the soaps of today Dickens was a very astute observer of character and the social environment of the time. He was a humorist and a satirist also and this mixture proved very successful. Rather like the Harry Potter books of today the readership was from all social classes. Writers like George Orwell liked the Pickwick Papers and his other novels for their realism and social criticism. This said Virginia Woolf whilst appreciating the books does not like the sentimentalism that crept into his style. 

When I read Dickens novels (I have not read them all) the thing that strikes me are his journalistic roots. Three years prior to the Pickwick Papers he was a political journalist reporting on debates and travelling around the country covering elections and the like. His work was to be found in the Morning Chronicle. He collected his pieces in Sketches by Boz, which was published in 1836. This in turn led to The Pickwick Papers. Within five years Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, The Old Curiosity Shop And Barnaby Rudge had seen the light of day. We must remember that Dickens was under thirty years of age at the time, which in my view is some achievement. Whilst some writers and poets have extraordinary bursts of creativity at a young age (one has only to think of Arthur Rimbaud) this was something very special.

Domestically all was not sweetness and light for Dickens. He married Catherine Hogarth in 1836 and in time fathered ten children. One of Catherine’s sisters, Mary, came to live with them (which was not an unusual at the time). Dickens grew very close to Mary and was shattered when she died at a very young age in 1837. Mary is to be found in many of his books but most famously as Little Nell. In time another of Catherine’s sisters, Georgina, joined the household. This was to some extent a catalyst for the Dickens household. For some reason Dickens started to blame Catherine for the birth of his ten children and the increasing financial worries involved. (If you have time it would be interesting to compare Augustus Pugin’s relationship with his three wives to that of Dickens). He considered her an incompetent housekeeper  – this is strange as writing as Lady Maria Clutterbuck she wrote a cookery book in 1851 which ran into several editions. They finally separated in 1858 after she has received by accident a bracelet that should have been sent to Ellen Ternan. The break-up was not helped by Georgina siding with Dickens. Two articles at the time in my view help to give insight into Dickens state of mind at the time. 
Some domestic trouble of mine, of long-standing, on which I will make no further remark than that it claims to be respected, as being of a sacredly private nature, has lately been brought to an arrangement, which involves no anger or ill-will of any kind, and the whole origin, progress, and surrounding circumstances of which have been, throughout, within the knowledge of my children. It is amicably composed, and its details have now to be forgotten by those concerned in it… By some means, arising out of wickedness, or out of folly, or 

out of inconceivable wild chance, or out of all three, this trouble has been the occasion of misrepresentations, mostly grossly false, most monstrous, and most cruel — involving, not only me, but innocent persons dear to my heart… I most solemnly declare, then — and this I do both in my own name and in my wife’s name — that all the lately whispered rumours touching the trouble, at which I have glanced, are abominably false. And whosoever repeats one of them after this denial, will lie as wilfully and as foully as it is possible for any false witness to lie, before heaven and earth. Household Words (1858).

I will merely remark of [my wife] that some peculiarity of her character has thrown all the children on someone else. I do not know — I cannot by any stretch of fancy imagine — what would have become of them but for this aunt, who has grown up with them, to whom they are devoted, and who has sacrificed the best part of her youth and life to them. She has remonstrated, reasoned, suffered, and toiled, again and again, to prevent a separation between Mrs. Dickens and me. Mrs. Dickens has often expressed to her sense of affectionate care and devotion in her home — never more strongly than within the last twelve months. New York Tribune (c 1858). 
Whilst admiring Dickens I have always felt sympathy with Catherine Dickens who when dying in 1879 gave her daughter Kate a number of letters she had received from Dickens with the words  “Give these to the British Museum that the world may know he loved me once”. I have not studied Dickens enough to really give an opinion about the influence that Catherine had over the man and his works. But quite often I can feel her presence in his writing. As with a number of larger than life writers and artists it is sometimes the woman who is shunted into the background in the shadow of a great man, and sometimes cruelly he dispenses with her. Perhaps without this characteristic Dickens would not have been the writer he was. I am unqualified to say but I have a nagging feeling that when he separated from Catherine something was lost.

Catherine Hogarth Dickens

Mary Hogarth

Georgina Hogarth

         Bronte Sisters
We are all aware of Dickens life story so I am not going to go into it in any detail. What fascinates me is why Dickens like the Bronte sisters has endured. When I was twenty-one I had the crazy idea of cycling from Ealing to Haworth after reading some of the sisters’ novels. When I arrived three days later I was expecting to find a dusty damp museum but to my surprise it was crowded with visitors from many countries. This was in the mid seventies and the rush has not stopped since. Both the Brontes and Dickens are as popular now as they were thirty years ago and with the advances in media more accessible. Who remembers Charlotte M Yonge (1823-1901) who was known as the novelist of The Oxford Movement? Although for some reason her books are quite easily available in Hungerford  (I see them quite frequently) as far as I know none of her novels have been dramatised for television or the cinema. I think if you asked the average schoolchild about Charlotte Yonge or The Oxford Movement then they would look blankly at you whereas if you mentioned the Brontes or Charles Dickens then you would get a reaction. 
Rather like the Harry Potter phenomena today one imagines that when Dickens was at his height the Victorian equivalent would have been the same. Perhaps there would have been no studio tours or plastic characters but there would have been many souvenirs. My wife recently purchased a Charles Dickens Birthday book of 1882 as a gift for me. The book was published some twelve years after his death by his eldest daughter with illustrations by his youngest daughter. Throughout the year different extracts from Dickens are included. This obviously sold well, as with the Harry Potter merchandise today, and is a haunting read. 
But in one hundred years what will the world make of Harry Potter. I think that it will be viewed as an odd time where fantasy characters lead the reader into a world of dreams and make believe divorced from reality. Although Dickens had his faults and in a Victorian way was exploited as much as J K Rowling’s novels are today. I believe there was a greater attachment to Dickens. The girl receiving the birthday book probably at Christmas in 1881 I believe would have had a different attachment to Dickens than the contemporary child with the Harry Potter novels.
Although closed at present there is a fine Charles Dickens museum in London, which is easily found on the internet. His home at Gads Hill in Kent is also easy to find and well worth a visit – again I would consult the relevant web pages for details. There are many Dickens events being held in 2012 as well as various other events in the media. Sadly the very atmospheric museum in Broadstairs in Kent is no longer with us having suffered a fire. It is now I believe a private residence. I visited it a number of years ago when on a Dickens pilgrimage. Unlike the Bronte museum in Haworth it was a rather dusty and had a somewhat ill organised collection but in its way it reminded me of Miss Haversham’s faded glory. I was sad to see it go. 
Away from Dickens I also decided to visit the house that Augustus Pugin built for himself in Ramsgate as well as the church that he was in the process of building when he died. Sadly at the time the house had seen better days and looked in dire need of love. Happily due to the sterling efforts of the Landmark Trust the house has been renovated and you can either stay there or visit the house (named The Grange) on specified days – again the internet will give you the detail required. 
Dickens like Pugin had a lot of connections with Kent and if you are in that part of the world it would be fun to break your Dickens itinerary with a visit to Ramsgate to visit Pugin’s house and church. As I have noted both were born in 1812 and died quite young (mainly due to overwork) but there, to a great extent, the similarities end. But both were however men of their era in their separate worlds.

Gads Hill Place
The Grange, Ramsgate
researched a great deal of this article in Margate whilst taking a few days out in Kent. As I wandered along the promenade I was leafing through an old copy of Hard Times that I had purchased at the Pilgrims Hospices charity shop. I began to wonder whether Dickens had ever visited Margate (it is likely he would have done) and what he would have made of the Turner Contemporary Gallery in the town today. I could not guess what his feeling would have been but as I read his novel I knew he would have recognised some of the decay in the town which would have changed radically since his times and wondered if he had included it in a novel how we would have read it in 2012. Although an abstract question I did not answer it to my own satisfaction throughout the day. 
Each of us has their favourite Dickens novel and outside of The Signalman mine is Hard Times. I think that the day would have been even more blissful if I had travelled the short distance to Ramsgate and with a fine Kent ale for refreshment settled into my rooms at The Grange with Gradgrind and company, taking time out occasionally to look out of the window at the distant Goodwin Sands. 
Stuart Miller-Osborne


HUNGERFORD ARCADE – Japanese Bronze Mirrors

Adrian and Jane Jefferies of  Unit 46w have at the moment this beautiful antique bronze hand mirror from Japan in their unit here at Hungerford Arcade. It dates to the Edo period (1600-1868), this particular mirror is 18th Century.

Bronze mirrors were introduced into Japan from China and Korea around 300 BC – AD 300,  originally used as religious function and symbols of authority. The Japanese however soon learned how to make their own mirrors, richly decorated with Chinese or native Japanese designs.


By AD 710 – 794 (Nara Period) mirrors were in everyday use decorated with native plants and animals to bring good fortune. Mirrors from the Edo period were often given at weddings decorated with lucky symbols or Chinese characters.


Our mirror is decorated with a miniature landscape, Peacocks stand beneath a flowering Plum tree, beside a waterfall and a winding stream.






The mirror is inscribed Fujiwara Masashige saku (‘Made by Masashige of the Fujiwara family). The craftsperson who made mirrors often were of high status in Japan, because together with the sword and the jewel, mirrors formed part of Imperial regalia.







HUNGERFORD ARCADE – Double Celebration

All of us at Hungerford Arcade send our heartiest congratulations to Annabelle and Richard Bent, who have a 10th wedding anniversary and Annabelle’s 40th birthday to celebrate.  We join with their family and friends in wishing them a wonderful celebration and many more!



We love it when a plan comes together!  Annabelle saw this stunning sapphire and diamond ring in Unit 43 a few weeks ago, when on a solo visit.  It obviously made an impression as she later contacted us asking if it was still available.  With her help in sending a video of her visit, we were able to trace it for her and the dealer agreed to reserve it for her until she and Richard were able to come back for it.


Wishing them health, wealth and happiness always!
