Ann Hutchings (Hutch) and Ann Parker, both teachers, joined the Arcade in 2007 and over the years, they have taken on more space. On Ann Parkers retirement, she became more involved in the collecting and sales of a huge variety of quality and unusual items. Hutch continued to work very successfully at the Lyddiard Park Academy, running their autistic unit, whilst Ann continued to source for the unit.
In 2013, Hutch was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and despite trying everything, lost her life in the Prospect Hospice on September 30th 2014. Ann Parker has continued in the Arcade and has filled the unit with quality goods only. A reflection of the quality person Hutch was. Accordingly, they still sell silver, mostly antique, gold, tortoiseshell, boxes, ceramics
including Beswick, Beatrix Potter and animals, Royal Copenhagen figures, Herend fishnet animals and other, Staffordshire 19c figures, Royal Dux, Worcester, Hummels, Bunnikins, Rosenthal figures, tea sets antique and other and 19c porcelain figures, both continental and English. Glass, Waterford crystal as well as 19c paperweights and other quality studio pieces. In addition, Ann has a good selection of clocks and pocket watches.
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